Thursday, August 21, 2014

Parabéns minha irmã

Linia Caldas Bugg

Today 21 of August 2014

We are so blessed and thankful to have a sister and aunt like you in our life. Celebrate your Bday! You deserve the best. Wonderful sister, We love you so much and on your special day, I double it up!Family made us sisters, life made us friends. Here's a great big birthday hug full of love and happy wishes as you celebrate your special day!Looks like you are ready to party! Let's have a blast tonight! Happy Birthday to our dearest sister!There is only one place where We can keep our every strength, our every weakness, our every secret safe. It’s in our sister’s heart. Happy Birthday to our wonderful Sis!Oh, that everyone could have a sister like you! We Wish you a very happy and sweet birthday!
Who is a sister? A sister is someone with whom you grow up.
She is the person with whom you argue and laugh.
A sister is someone you love.
She is the person with whom you have many memories.
A sister is in your family by nature.
She is your friend by choice.
You are a sister, and I am glad you are mine.
Happy Birthday to the best sister
In the whole wide world!
Happy Birthday to my fantastic, wonderful, great, super, beautiful sister! Let's celebrate this special day by promising each other that we'll always lookout for one another, no matter what. Happy Birthday to you, my dearest sister!Sisters share their secrets, goals, Deepest hopes, and inner souls.
Our lives may change
Through laughter and tears,
But a sister's love
Will last the years.
Happy Birthday
our beloved sister!
Hoje é um dia muito especial pra mim, nesse dia você minha irmã chegou ao mundo para alegrar a vida de todos a sua volta,e com o passar dos anos essa alegria só tem aumentado, esse dom de levar otimismo só tem multiplicado, para a sorte dos que a conhecem.

Mais que uma irmã você tem se mostrado amiga e companheira, partilhar da sua existência é um grande presente de Deus.
Lembro-me das inúmeras vezes que o seu sorriso preencheu o nosso lar, das palavras carinhosas que você me diz quando eu preciso ouvir.
Eu te agradeço por ser um exemplo tão lindo para todos que vivem ao seu redor, principalmente para mim, que como sua irmã posso me orgulhar de tudo que você é.
Saiba que estarei sempre por perto para lhe estender a mão quando sua caminhada se tornar difícil.
Nesse seu dia todo especial, quero lhe desejar toda felicidade do mundo, que Deus a abençoe com muita paz e saúde.
Parabéns, que você tenha o melhorAniversário de sua vida.
Eu hoje quero desejar tudo aquilo que seja de mais belo e puro e dizer o quanto você é querida e amada por mim.
Deixe sua alegria se avolumar, construa em você uma vida linda, cheia de desejos realizados, você com esse jeito meigo e carinhoso tendo no olhar a esperança de vencer.
Que sua vida seja o caminho do amor, só ele é capaz de mostrar o verdadeiro sentido da vida, por isso olhe com o sorriso mais esse ano que passou e agradeça a Deus cada segundo vivido e que os próximos sejam repletos de luz.
Para mim neste grande dia a maior felicidade é dizer que tenho uma grande irmã, e que a alegria que você busca insistentemente te traga paz e segurança a si mesma.
Hoje não é um dia como os demais, ele se destaca porque é o dia que Deus lhe trouxe ao mundo, que neste dia você confie na esperança, pois acredito que sua força de vencer sairá para tornar realidade trazendo a sua vida sucessos e alegrias por ver os seus sonhos realizados.
Parabéns Minha Irmã.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

BOYD Bring Your Own Device


As many IT departments struggle to keep up with yearly technology changes, company employees increasingly want to use their own devices to access corporate data.
It's part of a growing trend dubbed Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), which encompasses similar Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT), Bring Your Own Phone (BYOP) and Bring Your Own PC (BYOPC) initiatives. All of them have evolved to empower workforces through the so-called 'consumerisation of IT'.

As part of this consumerisation, BYOD encourages company employees to work on the device they choose - accessing corporate email on their iPhone 5 or using a Google Nexus 7 to view text documents. The goal for SMBs? Increased productivity and reduced costs.
But BYOD also has a darker side. If not fully understood and regulated, it can threaten IT security and put a company's sensitive business systems at risk.

Why BYOD matters

The driving force behind BYOD is a new IT self-sufficiency among company employees who already own and use personal laptops, tablets and smartphones.
These mobile devices are often newer and more advanced than the equipment deployed by many IT departments. It's hardly surprising that the rapid adoption of lightweight Ultrabooks, iPads and large-screened phones are changing the way that people want to work.

What is BYOD? A beginner's guide
iOS is still the preferred mobility platform in the enterprise
IT departments are playing catch up and could easily refuse to embrace the BYOD idea. Surely it's simpler to provide approved hardware and software applications so you can retain full control over them?

But Richard Absalom, an analyst at Ovum, believes that BYOD will happen whether a company plans for it or not. He says: "Trying to stand in the path of consumerised mobility is likely to be a damaging and futile exercise." The best thing that an SMB or enterprise can do is be aware of the benefits and understand the risks.

BYOD benefits and advantages

There are some key advantages to operating a BYOD strategy, including increased employee satisfaction (they can work more flexibly), cost savings (reduced hardware spend, software licensing and device maintenance) plus productivity gains (employees are happier, more comfortable and often work faster with their own technology).
As Mark Coates, EMEA VP at Good Technology, points out: "By enabling employees to securely and easily access corporate data on their own device, productivity levels will naturally increase. In terms of cost savings, there are huge benefits, since SMBs will not have to manage and fund a second device for employees."

Shaun Smith, technology practice director at Xceed Group, agrees. "At Xceed Group, allowing the use of consumer devices has helped improve both productivity and staff motivation," he says. But he also strikes a note of caution. "For a company to decide if a BYOD strategy would work for them they need to ensure due diligence is conducted - simply evaluating the benefits versus risks."

BYOD risks and disadvantages

While BYOD sounds attractive, businesses need to consider the full implications of allowing corporate data to be accessed on personal devices that they could have little or no control over. What data can employees have access to? What security measures are in place if an employee's device is lost, stolen or compromised?
This is where convenience clashes with security. "Security and the loss of devices with limited password protection is naturally a key concern," adds Smith. "Increased consumerisation in the workplace can bring with it an increased risk from threats such as hackers and viruses."

What is BYOD? A beginner's guide
Generally we're yet to see much take-up of Chromebooks
There might also be cost implications. Even though IT hardware spend can potentially be reduced with a BYOD approach, it may cost more for a company to integrate and support a diverse range of employee devices. As Coates points out: "Android devices can be complex to manage as there are just so many different flavours - a huge variety of devices and a number of different versions of the operating system."

Longa Viagem de Sempre ao Brasil

A minha Viagem ao Brasil